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A Walk Around Tropica Aquarium Plants Greenhouse Production

1-2 Grow Plants - https://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/tissue-culture-plants-87-c.asp

All our plants - https://www.aquariumgardens.co.uk/aquarium-plants-full-list-64-c.asp

As you may know, Aquarium Gardens stock a wide and expanding range of Aquarium Plants. But do you know where they come from and how they are produced?

Recently we visited Tropica Aquarium Plants for a tour of their incredible aquatic plant nursery in Denmark. This is such an amazing place where many of our plants are produced on a HUGE scale.

Tropica's facility and years of experience in producing aquatic plants mean they have some of the highest quality plants available on the market today.

Interesting Fact : As you can see, despite being Aquarium Plants, Tropica cultivate plants ABOVE water. Time spent out of water provides strength for life under water, and plants have improved adaptability. This is because most plants are amphibious plants (able to grow on land and under water) and will adapt more quickly and easily to conditions in an aquarium if they are cultivated above water.

I hope you enjoyed our little walk around Tropica's greenhouses (sorry for the shaky footage, we didn't have much time!).

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